Friday 17 December 2010

Rough Cut Screening - Feedback

As we haven't filmed all our interviews, we couldn't show a complete rough cut of our documentary. We did however, show the interview we did with George Neish & asked the audience for their feedback on the following things:

1) What parts do you think we should cut from the interview?

2)What parts didn't make sense because the question hadn't been included?

3) Do you think interview was framed well, with good use of mise-en-scene?

4) What parts do you think could be used as just audio as opposed to visual image & audio?

Our feedback was generally quite positive, with people commenting on the good use of light, mise-en-that represented George in his natural environment & the clear sound.
In terms of what to improve on, the general consensus was a variation in shots of the interviewee during the interview rather than having the camera in just one set place, cutting out all waffling and repetition of points, lowering the camera so the interviewee takes up more space in the shots, cutaways (although we do have cutaways but hadn't yet edited them in)

This will be incredibly useful for when we film our next string of interviews over the Christmas period.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Dunraven is Homophobic..?

When searching the meanings of the colours in the Gay Pride rainbow flag - something happened that appalled me. When searching for this information, the school had blocked the site.


Horrified by this revelation, me and my friend Lee decided to Google gay rights, and the same thing happened again.


This has posed the question in my mind as to how Dunraven can possibly say they're against homophobic bullying, when they clearly have an issue with students searching gay rights on the school computers? Hmm....

Monday 13 December 2010

Capturing & Editing

We spent todays lesson capturing our third interview with David Robinson. As the interview was nearly 14 minutes in length, we cut the interview into small chunks, eliminating the questions being asked & just having David's answers. This will make it easier for us when editing the entire sequence, as we will be able to cut out any footage that doesn't make sense or doesn't fit within the five minute time period. We've also done this to our other footage from previous interviews.

Friday 10 December 2010

Shooting Schedule Changes

Due to the fact that we are doing a documentary our shooting schedule has been disrupted repeatedly, we have had to work around other peoples schedules and around the weather, due to the recent snow we had to cancel our filming until transport was vise-able again. 
We have so far managed to interview, Dalia Flemming, George Neish and David Robinson, but due to complications have had to reschedule our interview with Stella Collinson twice and our interview with Lee Smith three times. 
We have come to realize that it's all just part of the process and we cant do anything about it, we attempt to get hold of people and reschedule, it has definitely been harder then shooting a fiction piece because we are  unable to control the shooting schedule, we have to work around our own commitments and the commitments of others. 
We hope to have all of our filming done by the deadline and by next thursday at least have three interviews to present to our class, with some editing done to show how we intend to present our finished documentary. 


Thursday 9 December 2010

Film Poster Mock Up

After creating our individual posters, we got together and brainstormed ideas for our poster.

We researched into previous posters and taglines to gain some inspiration into our own posters. Pictured below are some examples we found.

We split our page into 3 and made 3 poster mock-ups (pictured below). We aimed to give each poster a different title, tagline and image/photograph, with a differentiation in fonts and colours.

There were many disputes as to what poster was planned to use, with not everyone in the group agreeing on one poster. To help us make a decision, we took a small poll with the five people in the room and asked them what they preferred. The votes were unanimous with the 2nd poster entitled "The Other Side of the Rainbow" receiving all 5 votes, and the 3rd poster "Rainbow" not receiving any. Because of this, we have decided to use the second poster as our main film poster.