Thursday 21 October 2010

Audience Survey

1) Do you think it’s wrong to be gay?

Yes            No            Not Sure

2) Have you ever witnessed homophobic bullying?

Yes            No            I’ve taken part in it            I have experienced it myself

3) Have you ever tried to help someone who was being bullied for being gay?

Yes            No            I’ve never witnessed homophobic bullying

4) Do you think homosexuality is a choice?

Yes            No            I don’t know

5) Does homosexuality make you uncomfortable?

Yes            No            Other…………………………………………...

If yes, why? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

6) Do you think homophobic bullying is an issue in your school?

Yes            No            Not sure

7) Do you have any friends or family members who are gay?

Yes            No

8) What do you think of people who are verbally/physically abusive towards homosexuals?


9) If you discovered that a friend of yours was gay, would you still maintain contact with them?

Yes            No            Not Sure

10) Do you think it’s hard for people to admit to being gay?

Yes            No

If yes, why?

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