Friday 28 January 2011

Audience Feedback

  1. What did you think was particularly successful about our film?
  2. What would you change?
  3. Who do you think the target audience is? Do you think we are reaching out target audience? Please comment.
  4. Where do you think you would find a film like ours? (websites, cinema, TV, etc)
     5. DID IT TUG AT YOUR HEART STRINGS?! DID  IT?!?!?!?!?!?! 

     6. Are you more sympathetic to the problems of teenage gay people? 

     7. Has your attitude towards gay people changed? 



    I just liked the overall cheerful feel of the film. Despite the fact that the topic was quite serious, it didn't really get you down. It made me feel kind of proud of the people in it. I liked the way it was cut too, very smooth.

    Um...nothin' really. Maybe like DELETE MY VOICE BECAUSE IT IS GROSS!

    I think the audience are LGB, teenagers and homophobes, but also everyone. Yknow, to spread the love. And yes, i think it did reach your target audience.

    In the cinema, on TV, a film fest maybe!

    YESSS :')

    Yes, yes I am. But, I always was.

    No, I don't think they have.

  2. 1. I thought you had the conventions of a documentary done very well. The audio was clear and the music in the background was nice.

    2. I don't think you need to change anything.

    3. The target audience was teenagers, people who are homophobic and perhaps anyone who is curious about it.

    4. I think the film would be in a film festival or on the internet.

    5. Yeah.

    6. Yes, after hearing about the experiences from this film to get their views across, I feel more sympathetic.

    7. No.

  3. 1.The (well chosen) underlying music which was consistent through the film created a good mood which helped bring across the emotional context of the film. I liked the use of natural locations of the interviewees-this helped us to see past their orientation and the labels which people often associate with LGB people.

    2.The lighting and sound of the two men talking could have been improved a little bit but it's not a big deal =). Maybe the thoughts of older people could have further contributed to the experiences of LGB people. This could have told the audience how the situation used to be for LGB people in the past.

    3.I believe the audience for the documentary isn't pinned to one set group of people but to a large variety of people including teenagers and young people who are homosexual/bisexual, people who are unaware of the current situation of homophobic bullying and also those of which are not sure of their sexual orientation.

    4.I think your documentary would be seen on websites such as forums and student rooms for people to discuss their problems and experiences being an LGB individual. It could also be seen at a film festival or at events such as Gay Pride.

    5.It did indeed pull at my heartstrings-the emotion was brought across well and has made me realise that LGB individual's do not have it easy and they do not desire the treatment they are given for being of a certain sexual orientation.

    6 and 7. Yes, I believe I am more sympathetic towards LGB individuals. I was before but now I am more so because I am more aware of people's experiences. My overall attitude towards these individuals hasn't really changed. I myself am not homophobic in any sense and believe everyone deserves a fair chance and not to be judged by a personal preference and this documentary has helped me to see that.

  4. Stella's comment:

    1) I like how the music was playing through the entire documentary, it just added on to the legitiamte feeling of a genuine documentary.

    2) I wouldn't change anything... You guys did great!!

    3)I think that the film is aimed at teenagers, who may be homoophobic, or worried about homophobic bullying.

    4) I think your film may be shown on youtube or possibly channel 4 or something like that.

    5) Yeah... Made me realise how tough it is for LGB people to be accepted into society..

    6) I feel slightly more sympathetic...

    7) Not entirely...

  5. Tosin

    1.The film had a very cheerful feel, it was very lite and not to heavy in information, it was very informative and fit the conventions of a documentary.

    2. To ask for the point of view of more teachers.

    3. I think the film is aimed at schools, in particular teachers, who are not aware of the problem.

    4. film can be shown possibly on channel 4, as it is more for a younger audience, and it has been really well made.

    5. I'm not more sympathetic.

    6. not really....

  6. Priscilla..

    1. I think the music gave the documentary a light atmosphere which was good for the type of subject expressed.

    2. I would involve more questioning from the teachers to get another view point from a older person.

    3. I think the target auidence is homophobic teenagers because it reaches out to the type of issues raised about homophobia.

    4. I think the documentary would be played on TV and the internet.

    5. It did make me have a bit of emotion

    6. I'm not more sympatheic

    7. No

  7. Kelly's comment !!

    First of all i loved it :D

    1. i thought that you clearly got your message across, and that it really was emotional, and also the sounds track was really good and tied everything together and kinda set the mood of the film.

    2. where there was text on screen (minus the names) maybe have that on a black cut away because it was kinda hard to concentrate on what the person was saying whilst reading.

    3. i dont think that there is a clear set out target audience, because i think that it will appeal to many people, but if i had to pick one i would say mainly teenagers (straight ones) because it gives them an insight in to a different world, and maybe makes them see things from a different point of view.

    4. i think i would find your film on the internet, and maybe used at like conventions, or in like school assembely's or maybe even by the LGBT themselves

    5. yes i think it did, and made me see things on a different way and from a different perspective.

    6. yes

    7. no because i was not homophobic before.
